Vibrant Pet is proud to serve our Local Dogs in Blue. Here, in Montezuma County, we have 4 service dogs. The Cortez Police Department has two, State Patrol has one, and the BIA was one working dog. We are very fortunate to have these canines. Some of the many things they do is keep our schools drug free, help search and rescue those in need, and quickly contain suspects. First and foremost, they are partners with those who protect and serve our community.
Cortez PD
Lincoln is a 4 year old Belgian Malinois handled by Frank Kobel. He, completing... He specializes in... His favorite pastime is...
Otto is a 6 year old German Shepherd, handled by Mike Moran. He graduated Inglis Police Dog Academy in 2015, completing 200 hours. As well as getting certified in narcotics in 2015 through southwest working K-9 association.
State Patrol
Sandy is a 5 year old Labrador mix, handled by Chris Cutrone. She specializes in...….While she is not on duty she enoys…..
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Opal is a 4 year old Belgian Malinois, handled by Kellen Benally. He graduated... Specializing in... If he gets any down time he enjoys...
Cortez PD
Lincoln is a 4 year old Belgian Malinois handled by Frank Kobel. He, completing... He specializes in... His favorite pastime is...
Otto is a 6 year old German Shepherd, handled by Mike Moran. He graduated Inglis Police Dog Academy in 2015, completing 200 hours. As well as getting certified in narcotics in 2015 through southwest working K-9 association.
State Patrol
Sandy is a 5 year old Labrador mix, handled by Chris Cutrone. She specializes in...….While she is not on duty she enoys…..
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Opal is a 4 year old Belgian Malinois, handled by Kellen Benally. He graduated... Specializing in... If he gets any down time he enjoys...
Vibrant Pet is raising money to buy ….. These vests will help by...
If you would like to contribute to our Local Dogs in Blue. Please contact Vibrant Pet via phone, mail or e-mail
If you would like to contribute to our Local Dogs in Blue. Please contact Vibrant Pet via phone, mail or e-mail