Vibrant Pet has established a high quality of care standard when it comes to any surgical patient. We make sure all patients are current on exams and have a treatment plan in place before the day of surgery. We offer pre-surgical electrocardiograms and blood work as a pre-screening tool to establish your pets' anesthetic safety. This allows us to create a specified anesthetic plan for each patient. Our in surgery anesthetic monitoring is incredibly comprehensive. We utilize end tidal Co2, SPo2, blood pressure, ECG, heart rate, respiratory rate, and muscle tone to establish an appropriate plane of analgesia for your pet while undergoing its surgical procedure. We also utilize intravenous catheters, intravenous fluids, fluid pumps and syringe pumps to maintain appropriate levels of anesthesia and vitals before, during and after surgery. In addition, we perform local blocks, epidurals and employ the use of multimodal pain medications to ensure your pet is always comfortable and pain free. It is our top priority to ensure your pet is pain free not just during surgery but also after your pet has been discharged to go home. Our doctors perform routine ovariohysterectomies (spays), neuters, and mass removals as well as more specialized procedures such as, gastropexies, intestinal biopsies, abdominal explores and foreign body removals.